Elevate your business technology with IntelliSoft, a leading NET development company. By choosing IntelliSoft's expert .NET developers, you ensure a partnership that focuses on your project's specific needs, ensuring the precise realization of your visions. Our solutions are designed to be scalable, reliable, and carefully customized to support your strategic business goals, transforming your ideas into digital excellence. Tell us about your project

.NET Development Company IntelliSoft

Clients’ testimonials

Lars Dybdahl photo

Lars Dybdahl

Principal Architect at Cambio Healthcare Systems Denmark

IntelliSoft is a great partner. These engineers are up-to-date on the latest technology, they know what they are doing, and want to deliver high quality code. IntelliSoft allowed me as a CTO to focus on further developing our products.

How We Hire .NET Developers

Transforming your technological vision into reality begins with hiring proficient .NET developers, a crucial step that can fundamentally shape the success of your projects. At our .NET Development Company, we streamline this critical process, connecting you with top-tier developers whose skills are perfectly matched to your project requirements and corporate ethos.

Define Your Project Scope

Start by comprehensively defining the scope of your project. Detail every technical requirement, necessary skill, and anticipated outcome. This foundational step involves a detailed analysis of the project’s technological needs and the competencies and experience levels required of your potential .NET developers.

Contact IntelliSoft

Engage with us to explore the full spectrum of possibilities, from collaboration models to team structures. Working with our NET development company is more than a simple exchange; it’s the beginning of a partnership. We commit to understanding and achieving your project vision with utmost dedication, ensuring outcomes that meet your project’s technological and strategic needs.

Check Our Portfolio

Review our portfolio to gain a comprehensive understanding of our technological prowess, past projects, and the innovative .NET solutions we’ve implemented across various sectors. This insight will enhance your understanding of our capabilities, helping you make a well-informed and precise decision that reflects your project’s expectations and your organizational objectives.

Consider the Collaboration Model

Select a collaboration model that aligns with your project needs, organizational goals, and budget. Whether you need the thorough engagement of a dedicated team, the flexibility of staff augmentation, or the simplicity of outstaffing, our .NET development services ensure the model you choose integrates seamlessly with your technical requirements and financial plans.

Meet Your Prospective Development Team

Meet and assess your potential .NET developers to understand their technical expertise, project experiences, and innovative capabilities. This step offers a glimpse into their technological skill set and ensures a perfect match between your project expectations, company culture, and the developers’ innovative approaches, paving the way for a successful collaboration.

Begin Your Development Journey

Embark on your custom .NET development journey with our skilled developers who are committed to meticulously crafting each phase of your project to reflect your vision and embody excellence in both strategy and technology. This step is a significant stride towards success, where your projects are nurtured and driven to achieve new milestones.

Reasons to Hire .NET Developers at IntelliSoft

IntelliSoft is a .NET Development Company that specializes in providing top-notch developers and establishing strategic partnerships that seamlessly integrate into your project’s journey. Our expertise in technological innovation and strategic planning ensures that every phase of your project is enriched with brilliance and innovation. By hiring .NET developers from IntelliSoft, you are making a strategic and future-forward decision that will give you access to some of the most compelling talents in the industry. Here are the reasons to do this.

Proven Expertise Across Diverse Projects

Our dot NET development company has a team of highly skilled and experienced .NET developers who have a proven track record of delivering successful projects across a wide range of industries and technological landscapes. With their in-depth knowledge, expertise, and innovative strategies, they bring a wealth of insights to the table that can greatly enrich your projects. You can trust that your project will be built on a solid foundation of tried-and-tested expertise garnered through many successful digital ventures.

Tailored Collaboration Models

At IntelliSoft, we understand that every project has unique demands and requirements. That's why we offer diverse collaboration models to cater to your specific needs. Our collaboration models, which include staff augmentation, outstaffing, and dedicated teams, are meticulously designed to align with your project timelines, budgetary allocations, and technical requirements. Our custom .NET development company takes pride in ensuring that our structural frameworks seamlessly integrate into your organizational ecosystem, providing a harmonious blend that enhances your project's success.

Rich Tech Stack for Robust Solutions

Your project will be developed using a cutting-edge and diverse tech stack that includes Angular, .NET, Node.js, and MS SQL. This approach ensures that all technological requirements are met with robust and future-forward solutions. Our team of skilled developers will harness the full potential of the latest technologies to craft advanced .NET solutions resilient to future technological evolutions. With our expertise, you can be confident that your project will contain the most advanced and reliable technologies available.

Team That Grows With You

Our .NET development services are handled by highly skilled and experienced senior software engineers with a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Their unmatched proficiency allows them to nurture and develop your project with utmost care and precision. Our team constantly updates its knowledge base, keeping pace with technological advancements and innovations. Every project is handled strategically, ensuring our clients receive the best possible service that ensures future business growth.

Full Transparency

At IntelliSoft, we prioritize transparency throughout every phase of your project. Our team of experienced .NET developers collaborate closely with you, ensuring that every step taken is clearly visible and agreed upon. We believe in an open and clear process that keeps you in the loop and pivotal to every decision. From project management development to delivery, our ASP NET application development services ensure that your insights, feedback, and visions are perpetually intertwined with our expertise and innovative strategies.

Ensuring Your Project's Unique Needs Are Met

At IntelliSoft, we believe in fostering a collaborative partnership with our clients. When you entrust your project to us, our team of skilled .NET developers will work closely with you to comprehensively understand your specific needs, goals, and expectations. We take pride in meticulously executing each project phase, focusing on delivering on your unique objectives. Our goal is to ensure that every aspect of the project reflects your vision and meets or exceeds your expectations.

Success Cases

At IntelliSoft, we take pride in transforming ideas into functional software solutions by providing net development services. With a wealth of experience and expertise in diverse industry domains, our skilled developers have consistently demonstrated their technical proficiency and strategic insight to deliver successful outcomes. Our proven track record speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence and ability to turn your vision into reality.


IntelliSoft, a diligent and proficient team of .NET developers, took up the task of containerizing an app's functionality using Docker and Kubernetes. The primary objective was to optimize software dependencies and environment management. The team integrated an upgraded version of Tesseract OCR, significantly improving the image-to-text feature while concurrently reducing operating costs. The team's adept use of a tech stack including .NET, .NET Core, and Angular 12, along with their strategic implementation of Kubernetes, enabled an agile, scalable, and secure solution.


Our dot NET development company has successfully revamped and optimized the Maintenance and Inventory Apps to enhance their overall functionality and performance. With a keen focus on utilizing the latest technologies, such as CouchDB and PouchDB, our skilled .NET developers have expertly orchestrated a seamless offline data synchronization process. This approach has enabled the uninterrupted data flow between mobile and centralized databases, ensuring consistent and real-time data access even in remote field locations with limited internet connectivity.

Download our portfolio with previous projects

Check out projects we delivered for clients from different industries.

    Our Engagement Models

    At IntelliSoft, we specialize in .NET development, recognizing that successful project execution hinges on robust collaboration and a suitable engagement model. To better serve our clients, our dot NET application development company has crafted customized engagement models catering to each project’s needs. These models ensure a seamless, transparent journey that aligns perfectly with your organizational goals and values, all within the .NET framework. Explore our diverse engagement options, each designed to bolster your .NET projects, foster innovation, and help you achieve your objectives.
    Get In Touch With Our Experts

    Reviews 5 – Rating 4.8/5

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

      .NET development services are software development practices that utilize the .NET framework to create robust, scalable, and secure software applications. The framework is a comprehensive platform that offers a diverse array of tools, libraries, and programming languages, enabling developers to design and develop a wide range of applications, including web, desktop, and mobile applications. The .NET framework is highly flexible and adaptable, making it a popular choice among developers for building custom software solutions that cater to businesses’ unique needs.

      The .NET framework’s standout feature is its support for cross-platform development, a crucial capability in today’s digital landscape. This approach allows developers to create applications that seamlessly run on various operating systems, enabling businesses to reach customers across a diverse range of platforms and devices. The framework’s robust security features provide a shield against potential threats like cyber-attacks and data breaches, while its enhanced performance ensures applications run faster and more efficiently, enhancing the user experience.

      IntelliSoft, as a NET development company, offers a comprehensive set of tools and features that enable developers to create highly scalable, secure, and efficient software applications. The .NET framework is an excellent choice for businesses looking to create custom software solutions that meet their specific needs, as it supports cross-platform development, enhanced security features, and improved performance.

      There are certain situations where opting for .NET software development services can prove to be advantageous:

      Custom Software Development
      If your company has specific software requirements that need to be tailored to integrate smoothly with Microsoft products or services, hiring .NET developers can be an excellent choice. With the help of the .NET framework, our developers can create highly efficient, easily scalable applications that are ideally suited to the needs of your business.

      Enterprise Application Needs
      The .NET framework is a powerful tool highly recommended for creating reliable and secure enterprise-level applications. If your organization requires complex software solutions for managing tasks such as inventory, human resources, or financial systems, then you may want to consider custom NET development services. With the expertise of experienced developers, you can be confident in developing robust and scalable applications that meet your company’s specific needs.

      Cross-Platform Needs
      Since the introduction of .NET Core, it is now possible to create applications that effectively operate on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. However, developing such cross-platform applications requires expertise and knowledge in .NET development. Therefore, to ensure that your applications are compatible and perform well across all systems, it is advisable to seek professional .NET development services.

      Updating or Upgrading Legacy Systems
      Numerous enterprises rely on legacy systems developed using older versions of Microsoft technologies, particularly .NET. However, upgrading or migrating these systems to more modern and efficient architectures, such as moving to the cloud or upgrading to .NET Core, becomes necessary as technology evolves. Skilled .NET developers from dot NET application migration services development company will ensure the successful transition of these systems, which can significantly impact the productivity and profitability of a business.

      Mobile Application Development
      Suppose you’re looking to build mobile applications that seamlessly integrate with your current .NET-based infrastructure. In that case, Xamarin can be an excellent tool for .NET developers to consider. As a part of the .NET ecosystem, Xamarin allows for the creation of apps that work across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows.

      Microservices Architecture
      Businesses seeking to adopt or migrate to a microservices architecture can leverage the capabilities of ASP dot NET migration services remote to enable the process. Technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes are widely supported within the .NET ecosystem, simplifying the transition to microservices architecture.

      Scalable Web Applications
      If you need a web application that can handle a high workload while remaining efficient and consistent, you may want to consider utilizing NET development services. ASP.NET, a robust framework for building highly performant web applications, offers advantages that will enable you to create web applications that scale efficiently, ensuring seamless performance even under heavy traffic loads.

      High-Performance Systems
      If you’re looking for top-notch performance and lightning-fast responsiveness in your applications, consider hiring a dot NET application development company for your backend development needs. These services offer expertise in advanced features and asynchronous programming models, making them a great choice for developing high-performance systems such as financial trading platforms or real-time analytics applications.

      Yes, you can use .NET in a serverless architecture. In serverless computing, the cloud provider takes care of the setup, capacity planning, and server management for you. Custom NET development services can be used to work in such environments, especially with services like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, which enable you to execute .NET code in response to events without the need to manage a server or runtime environment.

      • Azure Functions. Microsoft’s Azure Functions is a solution that .NET developers highly favor. It supports two languages, C# and F#, which are integral parts of the .NET ecosystem. With Azure Functions, you can develop functions based on .NET Core, and a wide range of events, such as HTTP requests, queue messages, and timer events, can trigger these functions.
      • AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda supports this technology, meaning you can use C# to write code that can handle various AWS events. For example, you could write a Lambda function in C# that processes S3 file uploads, modifies DynamoDB data, or handles API Gateway requests. This approach can be a powerful and flexible way to build serverless applications within the AWS ecosystem.

      With the help of ASP NET application development services, developers who work with .NET can develop and launch microservices, APIs, and event-driven applications without being concerned about the infrastructure on which they run. This method not only decreases the management burden of servers, but also has the potential to save costs, as you only pay for the time your code is executed.

      With the advent of .NET Core, developers can now create software applications that operate seamlessly on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform compatibility has made it easier for developers to build and deploy applications and opened up a world of possibilities for them. Unlike previous versions of .NET, which were limited to Windows, .NET Core enables developers to write applications that can run on multiple platforms, making it possible to cater to diverse user requirements and reach a wider audience.

      The enhanced flexibility of .NET Core extends to the development process, making it a joy for developers. They can now build applications using their preferred tools and workflows: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or the command line interface. Moreover, .NET Core has a collection of lightweight and modular libraries, enabling developers to cherry-pick only the necessary components for their applications. This approach not only reduces the overall size of the application but also streamlines the development process.

      Another significant benefit of .NET Core is its enhanced performance and scalability. With its new runtime and features like just-in-time compilation, applications built with .NET Core can operate at a higher speed and utilize fewer resources compared to those built with previous versions of .NET. This improvement in performance and scalability not only enhances the user experience but also ensures the application’s reliability and efficiency.

      Overall, .NET Core has become a game-changer for developers, providing them with the tools and flexibility they need to create high-quality, cross-platform applications that cater to diverse user requirements and reach a wider audience. Therefore, businesses can benefit from the assistance of a .NET Development Company.

      The .NET framework provides support for various programming languages, such as:

      • C#
      • Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET)
      • F#

      C# is by far the most extensively used language for developing applications on the .NET platform. .NET allows developers to write code in their preferred language and offers a Common Language Runtime (CLR) that enables interoperability between different languages. The CLR is designed to manage the execution of code written in different languages, making it possible for developers to build applications using multiple languages without worrying about compatibility issues.

      Our ASP .NET development services encompass many solutions, including migrating existing applications to the .NET platform. This process involves thoroughly analyzing the application’s architecture, codebase, and dependencies to determine the most efficient and practical approach to migrate it to .NET. Depending on the complexity of the application, the migration process may involve various tasks.

      Code refactoring to meet .NET standards
      Refactoring code is improving the quality of existing code by restructuring it in a way that does not alter its external behavior. The primary objective of refactoring is to enhance the code’s maintainability, readability, and performance by adhering to specific standards. It covers the following details:

      • Updating Syntax and Language Features. Code can be adapted to use C# or other .NET-compatible languages, incorporating modern features to improve efficiency and readability.
      • Improving Architecture. Developers can reorganize code architecture to align with .NET best practices, including implementing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern where applicable.
      • Optimizing Performance. It involves enhancing code to efficiently use .NET’s managed runtime environment, which includes memory management and threading.

      Adapting dependencies to ensure .NET compatibility
      When developing an application using .NET framework, it’s crucial to ensure that all the dependencies, such as libraries and third-party services, are compatible. This approach is vital to ensure that all the application components work together seamlessly. This task that can be performed by the custom NET development company includes various activities, such as:

      • Identifying Compatible Libraries. It covers replacing or upgrading existing libraries with those compatible with .NET. This process may involve identifying and implementing .NET-specific versions of libraries or opting for alternative solutions altogether.
      • Testing for Integration Issues. Rigorously testing the application for any issues arising from new or updated dependencies ensures seamless integration of all components.
      • Managing Package Versions. By utilizing tools like NuGet for package management, dependencies can be handled efficiently and kept up to date, and conflicts can be resolved.

      Addressing any potential compatibility issues
      As you migrate to a new platform, you should know about possible compatibility issues. They can arise due to differences in the platform, the language features you’re using, or even the dependencies your project relies on. To do this, our team may provide ASP dot NET migration services that comprise:

      • Platform Differences. Switching from one platform to another (such as from Java or PHP to .NET) can be challenging, and the main hurdle is the disparity in how data types and structures are managed, which can result in complications requiring resolution.
      • Code Analysis and Testing. One way to detect potential runtime issues is to use static code analysis tools to identify potential bugs and security vulnerabilities, while another approach is to perform comprehensive testing to cover various use cases and scenarios.
      • Iterative Refinement. Refining code and dependencies through multiple iterations based on testing feedback and real-world usage ensures the migrated application meets functional and performance requirements.

      .NET custom software development Chicago offers many benefits, making it a preferred choice for businesses and developers. One key advantage is the availability of a wide array of libraries that provide developers with a wide range of functionalities to work with. In addition, .NET boasts strong support for security and scalability, ensuring that applications developed using this framework are robust and can handle large volumes of traffic without compromising performance.

      Another significant benefit of .NET is its cross-platform capabilities, which allow developers to create applications that can run seamlessly on multiple operating systems. Moreover, .NET integrates effortlessly with other Microsoft technologies like Azure and SQL Server, offering businesses a comprehensive and cohesive development environment.

      Finally, the extensive developer community and available resources make ASP .NET development services efficient and reliable. Developers can leverage online knowledge and experience to troubleshoot issues and optimize their applications for maximum performance.

      We offer comprehensive ASP NET development services that cater to diverse cloud platforms, including but not limited to:

      Microsoft Azure
      Azure is a cloud computing platform by Microsoft that offers seamless integration with .NET, a popular programming framework also developed by Microsoft. With Azure, developers can benefit from a wide range of ASP NET web application development services and tools to streamline the development, deployment, and management of .NET-based applications. Some key services Azure offers include Azure App Services, Azure Functions, and Azure Kubernetes Service. Moreover, Azure caters to the needs of .NET developers by providing support for various databases, storage options, and integrated tools. These features have made Azure a preferred choice for many developers looking for a reliable and comprehensive cloud platform for their .NET projects.

      Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud platform widely adopted for its comprehensiveness. It offers numerous services to support .NET applications, including Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Lambda, and the AWS SDK for .NET. With AWS, developers can build scalable and resilient .NET applications using virtual servers, containers, serverless computing, and a wide range of database options.

      Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
      Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers support for .NET applications through its compute offerings, including Google Compute Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine. Moreover, GCP provides serverless execution environments through Google Cloud Functions. One of the critical advantages of GCP is its robust data and analytics capabilities, which can help businesses effectively manage and analyze their data. The platform also offers powerful machine-learning services, enabling organizations to build and train custom models. GCP’s support for open-source technologies and seamless integration with popular tools like Kubernetes and TensorFlow makes it a highly versatile and flexible cloud computing solution.

      Oracle Cloud
      Oracle Cloud is an excellent platform that caters to the needs of .NET applications. Its top-notch services, such as Oracle Compute VMs and Oracle Kubernetes Engine, offer a highly versatile and scalable infrastructure to .NET developers. One of the significant advantages of using Oracle Cloud is its exceptional performance in database services. This feature proves to be highly beneficial for .NET applications that require robust and reliable database solutions.

      SAP Cloud Platform
      SAP Cloud Platform is a lesser-known platform for general .NET development, but it presents an excellent opportunity for businesses already invested in SAP ecosystems to integrate their .NET applications. This platform offers a wide range of ASP NET development services and features that allow .NET developers to seamlessly extend existing SAP applications or even develop new business applications that can be easily integrated with SAP solutions.

      IBM Cloud
      For .NET developers seeking a versatile platform to support their applications, IBM Cloud offers a range of flexible computing options, including virtual servers and Kubernetes services. In addition, IBM Cloud provides access to various AI and machine learning services through Watson, databases, and blockchain services. This approach makes it an ideal choice for developers looking to integrate these cutting-edge technologies into their applications and stay ahead of the curve.

      At IntelliSoft, we understand the importance of effective project scoping for project success. That’s why we have designed an approach that minimizes risk, aligns expectations, and delivers precisely what our clients need. Our process starts with a discovery phase, where we deeply analyze our clients’ processes and conduct detailed stakeholder interviews to elicit complete requirements.

      At our custom NET development company, we foster a culture of open communication, where we openly discuss scope constraints with our clients. This collaborative approach is key to avoiding unrealistic expectations and potential frustration. We also take proactive steps to prevent uncontrolled scope creep by meticulously documenting project scope and assessing the impact of any requested changes. Our commitment is to ensure that our clients receive high-quality software solutions that meet their exact needs while minimizing risk and maximizing value.

      One of the key responsibilities of project management is to accurately estimate the costs involved in custom NET software development. This is a critical aspect that requires careful planning and assessment to ensure that the project stays within budget. To achieve this, there are several techniques and models that can be used to estimate software development costs, each with its own advantages and typical use cases.

      • Expert Judgement. Consulting with experienced professionals who can use their knowledge and experience to estimate the time and resources required for a project.
      • Analogous Estimating. Using the costs of previous, similar projects as a basis for estimating the costs of the current project. This method is quicker but less accurate and relies heavily on the availability of detailed historical data.
      • Parametric Estimating. Using statistical modeling to estimate ASP NET web application development services costs based on the relationship between variables. This method involves more quantitative techniques and can be highly accurate if reliable data is available.
      • Bottom-Up Estimating. Breaking down the project into smaller components and estimating the cost for each, then summing them up to get the total project cost. This is often one of the most accurate methods, though it can be time-consuming.
      • Three-Point Estimating. A technique that uses three figures to define an approximate range for an activity’s cost: most likely, optimistic, and pessimistic estimates. This is often used in conjunction with the PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) to calculate an expected cost based on these three estimates.
      • Function Point Analysis (FPA). Measuring the functionality provided to the user based on the number of business functions performed by the system. The total number of function points is then used to estimate the project duration and cost.
      • Cost of Change Curve. Estimating costs considering how changes in requirements and scope affect costs over different stages of the project. Early changes are generally cheaper than later ones.
      • Software Size Estimation. Techniques like Lines of Code (LOC) or other sizing metrics can be used to estimate the software size, which then helps to estimate the effort and cost.

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