IntelliSoft offers Angular development services tailored to meet the unique needs of emerging and established companies. By choosing IntelliSoft as your Angular development outsourcing partner, you're making a smart investment in your company's growth, efficiency, and competitive edge in the market. Tell us about your project

Angular Development Company IntelliSoft

Clients’ testimonials

Lars Dybdahl photo

Lars Dybdahl

Principal Architect at Cambio Healthcare Systems Denmark

IntelliSoft is a great partner. These engineers are up-to-date on the latest technology, they know what they are doing, and want to deliver high quality code. IntelliSoft allowed me as a CTO to focus on further developing our products.

How We Hire Angular Developers

Requesting Angular development services can be a transformative move for your business. The first step is selecting the right development partner. At IntelliSoft, we simplify the hiring process by matching you with candidates who share your vision.

Understand What You Need

Before seeking a development partner, consider your project’s requirements. What are your objectives, necessary skills, timeline, and business goals? Understanding these elements will help you find an Angular development team that matches your vision.

Talk to IntelliSoft

With your goals outlined, contact us at IntelliSoft. We’re ready to listen and understand your needs, providing tailored advice to achieve your objectives. We focus on offering personalized Angular JS development services that suit your project.

Check Out Our Team Profiles

We’ll introduce you to our Angular experts, tailored to your project’s requirements. We have extensive access to a vast pool of developers from Eastern Europe who are experienced across various industries, ensuring you have experts who understand your sector.

Meet the Candidates

The ideal team grasps both the technology and your business nuances. We recommend meeting potential team members to assess if they match the cultures and goals of Angular JS sample projects. This approach ensures they will deliver precisely what you need.

Pick Your Team

After the interviews, you will select your team. With IntelliSoft, this process is straightforward. We assist your new team members align with your project objectives, ensuring they are prepared to engage fully.

Launch Your Project

Once your team is assembled, it’s time to begin. IntelliSoft will support your Angular solution from start to finish, providing assistance, ensuring smooth operations, and resolving any issues. We’re committed to turning your vision into reality, using Angular to propel your business forward.

Reasons to Hire Angular Developers at IntelliSoft

Partnering with us for your project offers several advantages that streamline the process from conception to launch. Here’s a closer look at the main benefits of IntelliSoft’s Angular development services.

Streamlined Recruitment Process

IntelliSoft has revolutionized the recruitment game, sourcing top developers faster than the industry norm. Rather than a prolonged search that could extend for months, we connect you with the ideal match in about six weeks. This swift pairing ensures Angular projects move forward on schedule, maintaining a flexible and efficient development flow.

Technological and Cultural Synergy

Our approach extends beyond mere technical skills. We ensure the professionals we introduce will integrate seamlessly with your team’s culture and operational style. IntelliSoft excels in identifying candidates who possess the necessary Angular expertise and complement your team’s dynamics.

Dedicated Team Members

Choosing IntelliSoft means the experts we assign are dedicated to your project for the long term. Some firms may replace senior developers with less experienced ones over time. However, our Angular JS development company ensures the continuity and quality of the talent from start to finish, enhancing project consistency and output.

Long-term Engagement

At IntelliSoft, we take pride in forming long-term partnerships with our clients. We understand that the success of your project depends on the expertise and dedication of our developers, which is why we ensure that the developers integrated into your team remain committed to the ongoing success of your project.

Expert Project Management

Our project management expertise is unparalleled, and leaders with direct development experience support us. This hands-on approach means that Angular JS sample projects benefit from informed management and insights that can only come from experienced practitioners. The result is a smoother progression toward your objectives.

Cost-effective Expertise

Our access to a vast network in Eastern Europe allows you to engage in Angular development service expertise beyond local availability. This connection to a premier talent pool ensures that your project benefits from high-level skills and innovative contributions, boosting your competitive edge and speeding up your customer satisfaction, as well as revenue growth.

Our Engagement Models

At our Angular Development Company, we understand that every project is unique and requires a tailored approach to ensure its success. That’s why we provide a variety of engagement models to cater to your project’s specific needs.
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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Angular is a popular framework for building web applications, and it offers several advantages that make it appealing to developers and organizations looking for Angular web application development services:

    Comprehensive Framework
    Angular is a full-fledged framework, not just a library. It provides a well-defined architecture and covers many of the aspects needed for developing large-scale applications, including routing, forms management, client-server communication, and more.

    This framework is built with TypeScript, which extends JavaScript by adding types. This approach helps catch errors early in development and enhances code quality and readability. TypeScript also provides features like interfaces and generics, which are helpful for large code bases.

    Component-based Architecture
    Angular encourages a component-based architecture that helps organize code into reusable pieces. This method can make the application easier to develop and maintain over time.

    Dependency Injection
    Angular has a powerful dependency injection system. Such an approach simplifies supplying components with the needed data and Angular web development services. This system is particularly useful for unit testing and decoupling components.

    This framework has a rich set of tools, including the Angular CLI, which helps automate tasks like creating projects, adding files, and performing builds. This approach can significantly speed up development and enforce best practices.

    Community and Ecosystem
    Angular has a large community of developers and a mature ecosystem. Countless resources, including documentation, tutorials, books, and third-party tools, are available for learning Angular. It also means it’s relatively easy to find support when required.

    Enterprise Adoption
    Angular is widely adopted in the enterprise. The reasons are its robustness, scalability, and alignment with enterprise needs, such as maintainability, testability, and productivity.

    Regular Updates
    This framework has a regular release schedule with major updates every six months, backed by Google’s long-term support (LTS). This commitment to ongoing development helps keep Angular modern and relevant.

    All these features make Angular JS development services popular among companies in various industries.

    Angular is a powerful and popular front-end framework crucial in building modern web applications. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the development of web application’s user interface and client-side logic. At the same time, other technologies handle the back-end functionality, such as server-side processing, database interactions, and API services.

    One of the standout features of this framework is its capability to build complex and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) in a structured manner using TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript and a component-based architecture. Angular simplifies the development process by handling tasks that help developers build rich and responsive user interfaces, such as:

    • Data binding
    • Routing
    • Dependency injection

    This framework is a front-end framework that runs in the web browser and is responsible for the presentation layer and client-side logic of web applications. It enables developers who provide Angular web application development services remote to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces while allowing them to use separate server-side technologies for back-end functionality.

    Angular and React are the most popular front-end web development frameworks developers use today. Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and you should understand their differences to choose the right one for your project.

    One significant contrast lies in the programming language employed by each framework. Angular predominantly utilizes TypeScript, a JavaScript superset that offers enhanced features like static typing. In contrast, React provides flexibility when working with either JavaScript or TypeScript. This adaptability can be a boon for developers who are comfortable with JavaScript, making React an attractive choice.

    Another distinguishing factor is the architecture of the two frameworks. Angular, a comprehensive framework, encompasses a broad spectrum of tools and features, including a built-in dependency injection system and a potent templating engine. This comprehensive nature makes Angular a more intricate framework, requiring a longer learning curve. In contrast, React is a more lightweight framework, focusing on the creation of reusable components that seamlessly integrate into larger applications.

    Ultimately, the decision to use Angular or React depends on various factors, such as your team’s expertise, project requirements, and personal preferences. If your team has experience and proficiency in Angular, it may be more practical to go with that framework. React may be a better choice if you’re looking for a more lightweight framework that is easy to learn and use. If you don’t have enough expertise, you can hire an Angular JS web development company to provide a skilled team of developers.

    Angular is a robust and adaptable framework primarily designed to build dynamic and responsive web applications. It boasts a rich array of tools and features that empower developers to craft a diverse range of web applications. Angular’s versatility shines through in its ability to create various types of applications, each harnessing its unique capabilities:

    • Single Page Applications (SPAs). Angular is particularly well-suited for developing SPAs where most resources (HTML, CSS, Scripts) are loaded once during the webpage’s initial load, and only data is transmitted back and forth. This approach results in a more fluid user experience as users interact with the application.
    • Enterprise Web Applications. Angular is a powerful framework that offers many architecture and development tools, making it an ideal choice for creating complex enterprise-level web applications. With features like lazy loading, dependency injection, and a modular structure, Angular helps manage large-scale projects effectively, delivers superior performance, and provides a seamless user experience.
    • Mobile Apps. Angular is a highly sought-after web development framework that has gained widespread popularity due to its ability to offer many features and functionalities to create robust and scalable web applications. However, what’s not commonly known is that Angular can also develop mobile applications. To achieve this, developers can leverage the power of frameworks such as Ionic or NativeScript, which facilitate the compilation of Angular code into native mobile apps.
    • Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). One of the most popular JavaScript frameworks available provides developers with a wide range of built-in features that simplify the process of building Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). PWAs are a relatively new web application that can be installed directly on your device’s home screen, just like a native mobile app.
    • E-commerce Sites. Angular is a robust framework that excels in managing dynamic views and intricate user interactions. This approach makes it an excellent choice for e-commerce websites that require responsive and intuitive interfaces to enhance the shopping experience.
    • Content Management Systems (CMS). Although Angular is not a content management system (CMS), it can be utilized to develop the front end of CMS applications. This framework offers a user-friendly and interactive interface for content management, allowing for a seamless and dynamic experience. With Angular, CMS applications can provide a responsive and scalable environment for efficiently managing and organizing content.
    • Dashboards and Data Visualization. One of Angular’s major strengths is its ability to integrate seamlessly with various charting and data visualization libraries. With these powerful tools, Angular can develop highly interactive, real-time dashboards and reporting tools that enable users to gain valuable insights into complex data sets.
    • Real-Time Applications. Angular is a powerful tool allowing developers to create real-time applications using WebSockets. This approach means users can experience seamless, bidirectional communication in chat apps or live content updating services.

    Angular is a powerful JavaScript framework that enables developers to create high-performance, dynamic, reliable, and mobile-friendly apps. Its wide range of features makes the development process smoother and more efficient.

    One of Angular’s most notable features is its automated testing tools. These tools help developers detect coding errors quickly and easily, resulting in cleaner code and a more streamlined development process.

    This framework also features two-way data binding, which helps to save resources and eliminate the need for manually pushing and pulling data sources. This feature enables developers to build apps that are more responsive and efficient.

    Another significant advantage of Angular is its component-based architecture, which allows developers to create modular and easy-to-maintain applications. The architecture also enables easy integration with other libraries and frameworks, making it an ideal choice for large-scale projects.

    Angular also has a hybrid mobile SDK, which allows it to build applications seamlessly across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. This functionality simplifies software updates, as developers can simultaneously update apps across multiple platforms, saving time and effort.

    Given these advantages, it’s no surprise that companies increasingly turn to outsourcing firms to provide Angular e-commerce development services offsite. By leveraging the expertise of remote developers, companies can take advantage of Angular’s capabilities to create high-quality, scalable, and feature-rich applications that meet their business needs.

    Angular is a prevalent and feature-rich web application framework that enables developers to build complex and scalable applications. However, like any technology, it also has some limitations that must be considered. Below are a few potential drawbacks that you should be aware of before hiring an Angular JS web development company:

    Steep Learning Curve
    Learning Angular can be daunting, especially for developers new to the framework. Its structure is complex, with a specialized vocabulary and many concepts to understand, such as modules, components, services, directives, and dependency injection. This approach can make it a challenge for beginners to work with Angular.

    Performance Issues
    When developing applications with Angular, it’s essential to know that the framework can be quite heavy and complex, leading to performance issues, particularly in larger and more intricate projects. Angular relies heavily on data binding and change detection mechanisms, which can impact performance if not optimized correctly. Therefore, paying close attention to these aspects of development is crucial to ensure that your applications run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

    Opinionated Structure
    Angular is a framework with well-defined opinions and conventions regarding an application’s structure and development. These opinions and conventions are designed to enforce best practices, promote consistency, and facilitate maintainability. However, due to this opinionated approach, developers may need to adjust their preferred development style to align with Angular’s approach, which may take work.

    When developing an Angular application, you may notice that the framework’s structure and the requirement for boilerplate code can result in verbose and lengthy code. This verbiage may lead to a larger and more complex codebase, which can be particularly challenging to manage in large-scale projects that require Angular e-commerce development services.

    Limited SEO Capabilities
    By default, Angular applications are rendered on the client side, meaning that the server sends a blank HTML page to the browser, and the browser then loads the JavaScript and renders the content on the client side. However, this approach can lead to search engine optimization (SEO) challenges as search engines may not be able to crawl the dynamic content generated by JavaScript. To optimize web pages for SEO, developers must properly configure Angular applications for server-side rendering or pre-rendering.

    Dependency on Third-Party Libraries
    Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that extensively uses third-party libraries and modules, such as RxJS (Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript) and Angular Material. These libraries offer robust functionality to develop complex web applications. However, third-party libraries can add complexity and cause compatibility issues when upgrading. So, evaluating their necessity and impact on performance and maintenance is crucial before incorporating them.

    Frequent Updates and Breaking Changes
    This framework follows a regular release pattern. Every major version release can bring about fundamental changes. These changes may have a significant impact on the existing codebase, making the process of upgrading to newer versions of Angular complex and time-consuming. In such cases, developers may need to perform extensive refactoring of their codebase to ensure compatibility with the latest version of Angular.

    Angular is a popular open-source framework used by renowned tech giants like Microsoft and Samsung, online payment systems like PayPal, and global media enterprises like Forbes. It provides developers with robust tools and features that make creating dynamic, responsive, and scalable web applications easier.

    In addition to these big players in the industry, many other well-known companies have also adopted Angular to build their applications. For instance, Upwork, Deutsche Bank, Mixer, and Delta Air Lines are notable companies that have embraced Angular for their projects.

    One of the key advantages of Angular is its continuous development and growth, which is ensured by Google’s dedicated maintenance. Google’s substantial investment in Angular is a testament to its commitment to providing developers with regular updates and improvements. This approach reassures companies that applying for Angular web application development services offsite is a reliable choice in the years to come.

    Yes, this framework remains relevant in 2024, particularly in enterprise environments and among developers who appreciate its robustness and comprehensive feature set. Managed by Google, this framework continues to receive updates and maintain a strong ecosystem, which includes extensive libraries and tooling support. It’s favored for large-scale and complex applications due to its structured framework, which includes built-in support for Angular development services like dependency injection and a strong component-based architecture.

    Here are a few reasons why Angular continues to be relevant:

    • Regular Updates. This framework has a regular release cycle to stay updated with the latest web development standards and practices.
    • Community and Ecosystem. Angular’s active community supports third-party tools, libraries, and extensions that expand its capabilities and integration options.
    • Corporate Use. Angular is a preferred front-end development option for many big corporations due to its scalability, maintainability, and strong typing, which is made possible with TypeScript.
    • Comprehensive Angular Solutions. This framework is often seen as a “batteries-included” framework, offering solutions for routing, state management, forms, and internationalization out of the box, which can speed up development time.

    When starting a new project, the decision to use Angular should be made based on the project’s particular requirements and the developer’s skills. It’s particularly advantageous where strong typing, scalability, and a structured framework are necessary. However, the web development landscape is diverse, and other frameworks like React or Vue.js might be preferred for their simplicity or flexibility in other scenarios.

    When picking an outsourcing vendor, you should consider several key factors to ensure they meet your needs effectively:

    • Expertise and Experience. If you’re looking for an Angular JS development company, choosing one with a proven track record in Angular development is important. Check their portfolio of projects and see if they have experience working with other relevant technologies. Moreover, consider how long they have been working with Angular to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills.
    • Client References and Reviews. Do your research and check the references and reviews from past clients. This approach can provide valuable insights into their reliability, quality of work, and customer service. You can visit reputable sites such as, UpWork, or LinkedIn to find authentic client testimonials and ratings.
    • Development Process. Understand their development process. Ensure they follow best practices like Agile methodologies, emphasizing iterative development, collaboration, and flexibility. This approach can help manage changes smoothly throughout your project.
    • Technical Proficiency. Confirm the specific technologies and versions of Angular they specialize in. This framework updates frequently must be up-to-date with the latest versions and features. Additionally, check their proficiency with related technologies like TypeScript, RxJS, and state management libraries like NgRx or Akita.
    • Communication and Collaboration. Evaluate communication skills and tools. Regular updates, transparent communication, and clear project management methodologies are essential for the project’s success. Tools like JIRA, Trello, or Asana for project management and Slack or Microsoft Teams for communication can indicate good organizational practices.
    • Customization and Scalability. Ensure developers can tailor their Angular JS development services to your specific requirements. The ability to scale the team and project scope up or down as needed is vital for adapting to any project changes.
    • Cost and Budget Compatibility. Discuss their pricing models and make sure they fit within your budget. Understanding all costs upfront can prevent surprises, whether they charge a fixed price or hourly rate. Also, compare their cost against the market to gauge if you’re getting good value.

    Several factors can influence the duration of developing an Angular app, making the time required to provide a full set of Angular web development services vary widely.

    • Complexity of the Application. The timeline for developing an application largely depends on its features, functionality, and complexity. If an application is relatively simple, developing, testing, and deploying may take only a few weeks. However, if the application is complex, with advanced features and intricate functionality, it could take several months or more to build.
    • Experience of the Development Team. Proficient developers with ample experience and expertise in Angular e-commerce development services remote can adeptly tackle the framework’s hurdles and intricacies, enabling them to expedite the development process.
    • Size of the Development Team. A larger team can offer advantages in terms of speed and efficiency. More people working on different tasks in parallel will complete a project faster. However, this advantage can become a disadvantage if proper coordination is not maintained, leading to delays, miscommunication, and decreased productivity.
    • Integration with Other Systems. When developing your application, consider whether it needs to interact with other systems or third-party services. If this is the case, allocate sufficient time for integration and testing. This approach ensures your application functions seamlessly with the external systems and services it needs to communicate with.
    • UI/UX Design. The complexity of the user interface and user experience design can influence the time required for development. More intricate and detailed designs require more development effort and resources to be fully realized.
    • Quality Assurance and Testing. The testing phase of an application development cycle is crucial to ensure that the final product is stable and reliable. This phase is critical to identifying and fixing any defects, bugs, or issues overlooked during development. Depending on the complexity of the application and the feedback received during the testing process, the length of this phase may vary and require multiple iterations to ensure that all the issues are resolved before the application can be released.

    When developing an Angular application, the time required can vary greatly depending on the project’s complexity. For a simple app with basic functionality (such as a personal portfolio or a small business website), the development time can be relatively short, ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

    However, if you’re working on a more complex application (such as a small e-commerce site with advanced features, integrations, and scalability requirements), you should expect the development time to be significantly longer. Such Angular projects can take several months or even a year or more to complete.

    Here’s a general overview of the time you might need for different stages of an Angular app development:

    • Product Discovery and Design: 1-4 weeks
    • Setting up the Project: 1-2 days
    • Building the Core Features: 2-8 weeks (or more)
    • Testing and Debugging: 1-4 weeks
    • Deployment and Release: 1-2 weeks
    • Maintenance and Updates: Ongoing

    It’s always a good practice to carefully plan and estimate the project timeline, allocate sufficient resources, and include buffer time to account for unforeseen challenges or changes in requirements for Angular web application development services.

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