Data is the lifeblood of your business, and protecting it should be your top priority. Accidental deletion, hardware malfunctions, natural disasters, and ransomware attacks - plenty of hazards threaten your data. At IntelliSoft, we understand the critical importance of protecting your data, so we offer our backup and disaster recovery solutions. From regular backups to proactive protection measures and swift backup and disaster recovery mobile and web solutions, we've got you covered. Contact us

Data Backup and Recovery Service Company

Clients’ testimonials

Lars Dybdahl photo

Lars Dybdahl

Principal Architect at Cambio Healthcare Systems Denmark

IntelliSoft is a great partner. These engineers are up-to-date on the latest technology, they know what they are doing, and want to deliver high quality code. IntelliSoft allowed me as a CTO to focus on further developing our products.

Types of Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Services We Offer

Data is the cornerstone of business success. At IntelliSoft, we understand the importance of safeguarding your valuable information against threats. Explore the breadth and depth of our data backup and recovery service, meticulously designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses.

Disaster Recovery

Prepare for the unexpected with our robust offsite data backup and recovery service. Our team will work closely with you to develop tailored strategies that ensure swift recovery and minimal disruption in the event of unforeseen disasters or disruptions.

Flexible Retention Schedule

Take control of your backup strategy with our customizable retention scheduling options and data backup and IT disaster recovery solutions. Tailor the retention periods to suit your unique data management requirements, ensuring that essential data is retained while minimizing unnecessary clutter.

Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution

Harness the versatility and scalability of cloud technology with our cloud backup and disaster recovery solutions. Enjoy secure and reliable data storage and access from any location, ensuring business continuity and peace of mind, even in unforeseen circumstances with our cloud backup and disaster recovery.

Business Continuity Expertise

Maintain uninterrupted business operations with our specialized expertise in business continuity planning and disaster recovery and backup. From risk assessment to strategy development and implementation, we provide comprehensive support to keep your business resilient in the face of challenges.

Centralized Backup

Our centralized backup and disaster recovery solutions simplify and streamline your backup process. By consolidating data storage and management into a single, centralized platform, we enhance efficiency, control, and accessibility while reducing the risk of data fragmentation and loss.

Data Replication for Padded Security

Elevate the security of your critical data with our data backup and disaster recovery services. By duplicating data across multiple secure locations, we provide an additional layer of redundancy, safeguarding against data loss due to hardware failures, cyber threats, or natural disasters. Trust us to fortify your data infrastructure and protect your valuable assets.

Data Backup and IT Disaster Recovery Solutions

IntelliSoft offers comprehensive data protection, recovery, and backup solutions tailored to businesses of every scale and nature. Our expertise lies in crafting customized backup and recovery strategies aimed at safeguarding your invaluable assets. Explore the diverse range of managed backup and disaster recovery services and solutions we offer.

Backup & IT Disaster Recovery Solutions

Our backup and disaster recovery procedures will eliminate malware, delete threatening files, and restore a clean and safe copy of your data. Our proactive approach ensures minimal downtime and swift restoration during unforeseen disruptions.

Cloud Storage

Take advantage of our AWS backup and disaster recovery. IntelliSoft builds secure and reliable cloud storage solutions to help you leverage the flexibility and scalability of cloud technology with Azure backup and disaster recovery. The cloud allows you to securely store and access your data anywhere, ensuring scalability, reliability, and business continuity.

Local Backup Solutions

IntelliSoft’s local backup and disaster recovery software is designed with your specific needs in mind. Our localized approach ensures swift and efficient data backup and recovery, even in offline scenarios, providing you with the reliability and flexibility your business demands.

Centralized Management

Our backup and disaster recovery service offers centralized management solutions aim to simplify data management and enhance your business efficiency. Gain full visibility and control over your data backup processes, ensuring seamless operations and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Data Replication

Rely on IntelliSoft’s data replication services to fortify your data against potential threats. We bolster resilience and diminish the likelihood of data loss by replicating your vital data across multiple secure locations, thereby ensuring uninterrupted business operations and providing peace of mind.

Cyber Resilience Solutions

Stay ahead of cyber threats with IntelliSoft’s cutting-edge data backup and disaster recovery solutions. From threat detection to incident response, we equip your organization with the tools and strategies to defend against evolving cyber-attacks and safeguard your valuable data assets. Trust IntelliSoft to secure your digital future.

Why Choose IntelliSoft for Data Backup and Recovery Service

When you choose IntelliSoft for your data backup and recovery service, you’re creating a partnership that lasts for a lifetime, fueled by innovation, open communication, and deep industry insights. Let us become your trusted partner in data protection and ensure that your business’s lifeblood remains intact.

Speed and Innovation

We can’t afford to waste a minute of your precious time. That is why we focus on agility and speed to drive innovation and complete projects faster. We take pride in how swift our hiring process is: it is around 80% faster than the industry norm, allowing us to start disaster recovery and backup solutions development in several weeks instead of waiting months. Our streamlined processes and cutting-edge tools ensure rapid backup and recovery, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity for your business.

Commitment to Deadlines

With more than 13 years of experience, we haven’t missed a single deadline because timeliness is our top principle. At IntelliSoft, we prioritize punctuality and reliability when delivering our offsite data backup storage and disaster recovery services. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to adhere to agreed-upon timelines, ensuring that your data is backed up and restored promptly without compromising quality or efficiency.

Long-Term Partnership

We establish enduring partnerships founded on integrity, dedication, and mutual regard. Opting for our backup and disaster recovery as a service isn't merely engaging a service provider; it's forging a strategic alliance dedicated to nurturing your business's expansion and resilience in the long term. Our commitment to transparent communication, cooperation, and prompt responsiveness guarantees that your evolving requirements are consistently addressed with customized solutions.

Technological Excellence and Diversity

Our CEO has a background as a developer, so he knows exactly what to look for in experts. We offer a rich and diverse tech stack and a relentless pursuit of excellence to deliver the best-in-class backup and disaster recovery process.

lexibility to Meet Your Unique Needs

We realize that no two businesses are the same; everyone has unique requirements, challenges, and pain points. With this approach in mind, we offer a flexible IT backup and disaster recovery plan that can easily be tailored to your needs. Whether you require comprehensive backup and disaster recovery BDR solutions, disaster recovery planning, or ongoing support and maintenance, we'll work closely to design a customized solution that aligns perfectly with your goals and constraints.

Tailored Solutions for Industry Challenges

“Generic” is not a word you can use to describe our data backup and recovery services. IntelliSoft crafts solutions that meet the specific needs of every industry and address their challenges. We aim to ensure that our solutions and services perfectly align with your sector’s current pain points and capabilities. From healthcare and finance to manufacturing and beyond, our disaster recovery and backup as a service team have the industry expertise and regulatory knowledge to keep your data safe, secure, and compliant.

Industries We Serve

At IntelliSoft, our commitment extends beyond providing basic solutions. We specialize in crafting bespoke disaster recovery IT solutions that address various industries’ unique challenges and demands. Explore how IntelliSoft’s expertise serves your sector:

Our Technologies

Our Engagement Models

IntelliSoft tailors its approach precisely to match your project specifications and organizational framework. Through our engagement methodologies, we seamlessly integrate with your workflows, optimizing your business processes efficiently and affordably.
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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Think of backup as making copies of your important files and storing them safely. These copies help if something goes wrong, such as if your computer breaks or you accidentally delete something. Backups are usually done regularly to make sure they include all the latest changes to your files.

    The main goal of backup is to ensure that you don’t lose any info. But it’s important to remember that backups are mainly about saving your files, not necessarily getting everything back up and running if there’s a big problem.

    Disaster recovery is more about returning things to normal after a big problem, such as a cyberattack or natural disaster. It’s not just about getting your files back; it’s about getting your whole system working again. This might mean using backups to restore your data, but it also involves having plans and tools in place to quickly fix any other issues and get your business back up and running.

    So, while backups are like having spare copies of your files, IT disaster recovery solutions are like planning to get everything back to normal after a major setback.

    Key Differences:

    Backup Focuses on Saving Data

    • Backup is mainly about keeping copies of your files safe.
    • Disaster recovery is about getting your whole system working again after a big problem.


    • The backup’s main goal is to prevent data loss.
    • Disaster recovery aims to restore your entire system and operations after a disaster.


    • Backups are done regularly to keep up with changes to your files.
    • Disaster recovery plans are all about quickly responding and getting things back to normal as soon as possible.

    Ensuring the safety of digital assets is a top priority for businesses. Here’s a look at how companies typically backup their data:

    Traditional Backup Solutions
    Many companies still rely on traditional backup and disaster recovery IT solutions, such as tape, external hard drives, or network-attached storage (NAS) devices. These solutions involve periodically copying data onto physical media stored in a secure location onsite or offsite.

    Cloud Backup Services
    Cloud backup services have gained popularity due to their convenience and scalability. Companies can securely store their data in remote data centers maintained by service providers. Cloud backups offer advantages like automatic backups, offsite storage, and the capacity to scale as needed.

    Disk Imaging
    Disk imaging involves creating an exact copy or “image” of an entire disk or system. This method captures data files and the operating system, applications, and system settings. Disk imaging is useful for restoring entire systems in case of hardware failures or system crashes.

    Replication and Redundancy
    Some companies employ replication and redundancy techniques to back up their data in real-time or near real-time. This backup and disaster recovery policy involves duplicating data across multiple servers or storage devices to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. If one system fails, data can be retrieved from another without disruption.

    Continuous Data Protection (CDP)
    Continuous Data Protection (CDP) solutions continuously capture and backup data as it changes in real time. This approach offers granular recovery points, allowing companies to restore data to specific points in time with minimal data loss. CDP is particularly useful for environments requiring stringent Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs).

    Backup Software Solutions
    Backup software solutions provide automated and centralized backup management for companies of all sizes. These tools offer features like scheduling backups, compression, encryption, and deduplication to optimize storage efficiency and data protection. Some backup software also includes disaster recovery capabilities for comprehensive data protection.

    Hybrid Backup Solutions
    Hybrid backup solutions combine on-premises and cloud-based backup technologies to offer the benefits of both approaches. Companies can leverage the speed and control of local backups along with the scalability and accessibility of cloud storage. This hybrid approach provides flexibility and redundancy for robust data protection.

    The 3-2-1-1-0 rule is a widely recognized guideline for creating robust data backup and recovery strategies. Let’s break down each component of this rule:

    3 Copies of Your Data
    The first “3” signifies that you should maintain at least three copies of your data. This redundancy helps ensure that even if one copy becomes inaccessible or corrupted, two other copies are still available for restoration.

    2 Different Storage Types
    The “2” emphasizes the importance of storing your data on at least two different types of storage media or platforms. For example, you might have one copy on an external hard drive and another in cloud storage. This diversification guards against hardware failures, software errors, or cyberattacks that could affect a single type of storage.

    1 Offsite Copy
    The “1” underscores the necessity of keeping at least one copy of your data offsite or in a geographically separate location from your primary data center or office. This offsite copy safeguards against localized disasters such as fires, floods, or theft that could destroy or compromise your onsite backups.

    1 Recent Backup Version
    The additional “1” stresses the importance of maintaining at least one recent backup version that is readily accessible for rapid recovery. This ensures that you can quickly restore your data to a recent state in case of data loss or corruption.

    0 Errors in Backup Verification
    The final “0” highlights the need for regular verification and testing of your backups to ensure their integrity and reliability. You should regularly verify that your backup copies are complete, up-to-date, and functional by performing test restores and validation checks. This proactive approach helps identify and rectify any errors or issues before they impact your ability to recover data during a crisis.

    The Recovery Point Objective (RPO) concept is a pivotal metric guiding organizations in determining the permissible extent of data loss they can tolerate during an adverse event or disruption. Essentially, the RPO represents a crucial checkpoint that delineates the maximum allowable gap in data between the point of failure and the most recent data backup or recovery point.

    Imagine a scenario where a company experiences a system failure, cyberattack, or other unexpected incident. The RPO defines the precise time the organization’s data must be restored following the event. For instance, if a company establishes an RPO of one hour, it signifies that in the event of an incident, data recovery efforts must rewind to a state no older than one hour before the disruptive event. Any data changes or updates made within that one-hour window could be lost in the event of a failure.

    Apart from the Recovery Point Objective (RPO), another crucial metric is the Recovery Time Objective (RTO). This metric dictates the speed at which a company must restore its operations after an incident. Think of it as a countdown timer that defines the maximum allowable downtime for the organization. For instance, if a company has an RTO of four hours, it must resolve any issues and return to normal operations within four hours of an incident. Achieving the right balance with the RTO requires assessing factors such as the criticality of business operations, system interdependencies, and the availability of resources for recovery efforts.

    An IT disaster is a significant event or incident that disrupts an organization’s normal operation of information technology systems. These disasters can arise from various sources, including natural disasters, technological failures, human error, and malicious activities.

    Sources of IT Disasters:

    • Natural phenomena like earthquakes, floods, and wildfires can damage IT infrastructure.
    • Technological failures can lead to system disruptions.
    • Human error, including accidental deletions or misconfigurations, can compromise IT systems.
    • Malicious activities such as cyberattacks can exploit vulnerabilities and cause damage or data breaches.

    Impact and Response:
    IT disasters can range from minor inconveniences to severe disruptions with far-reaching consequences. Organizations need robust disaster recovery and incident response plans to mitigate the impact, restore services promptly, and safeguard data integrity. This includes measures such as data backups, redundant infrastructure, and cybersecurity protocols.

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